it's my diary what's written in English. i write everything 'bout me, espesially my thoughts, love, arts, and music. i also show you my photos, drawings, some essays that i wrote, or something. don't hesitate to visit me and to leave your comments. welcome! ;*)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

early return

After finish TOEFL-ITP test, I met up with my friend, Michiko, to eat and talk.
We didn't have much money then, so we went to Denny's and we shared one cheap course together.
And, suddenly my phone rang again just like last Sat, and it was also from Mike.
Surprisingly, he came back to Japan earlier than the schedule.
He said he got tired so that he returned earlier.

At that time we talked about each other's boyfriends,
and I just told her that I may ditch Mike so I was really surprised...
Was he staring me somewhere!? Oh my goodness!!
He has a really good scent...I'm scared.

Anyways, today I got an e-mail from my Jamaican/US friend, Leanna this morning.
I recognized that I didn't get back to her and I got back soon before I went to school.
She said on the letter,
"Hi Eiko, How are you? Long time no hear have you made it to NY...or are you still planning to come for the summer?
I was hoping you would of emailed me and let me know, but I guess you are busy. How's the boyfriend from Wall Street ?"
Undoubtedly I felt terrible sorrow...and surely, remember him, the days, memories in NY.

I'll reply her after I finish to write this,but maybe I'll cry.

I wish the day that I can make it to write more positive diary, will come soon..


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8:17 AM

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11:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:22 AM


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